Product Details:
Publisher: Bantam; First Edition edition (October 1, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 055309159X
ISBN-13: 978-0553091595
Product Dimensions:
9.2 x 7.7 x 1.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds
Editorial Reviews For all requests made to the imagination, is the Riviera, but a piece of beach for the whole body of the Mediterranean, a sea area where France meets Italy and the mountains and sea meet cs mars ebook. Genoa is the most important city in the Italian region, Nice talking to the French Riviera and is more or less everything in between cs mars ebook. It is a land of ancient languages ??still spoken and practiced traditions as old yet. Colman Andrews brings it all to life. Called Flavors of the Riviera is not a cookbook, and left to them, there are too many things more. The sales lead the adventurous food deeper into the country. Andrews combines the tastes of a scholar of history and culture with a sybaritic pleasure at a table well prepared, you can smell and taste of food, you will learn about its origins. There are more that Salade Nicoise - although this dish is here - and Ratatouille. Although wealth and privilege that comes to mind when the Riviera is considered, the food itself out of poverty. The central culinary tradition, then maximizing the flavors of the ingredients is modest - that, and by the unexpected guest feel welcome. Andrews not only takes you there, but it shows you how to do it all with grace, style and a keen sense of fun.
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