Product Details:
Publisher: Leisure Books (November 1, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0843944498
ISBN-13: 978-0843944495
Product Dimensions:
6.6 x 4 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces
Editorial Reviews From Booklist This first novel by the publisher of the Gauntlet, a magazine for the fight against censorship, takes the time to the public in its real history, but readers are rewarded with plenty of patience filesonic book on aquarium chemistry. Hungry Eyes seems to be at first glance a fairly standard story of the pursuit of a serial killer filesonic book on aquarium chemistry. But it is a two-character drama, a battle of wits between the murderer and Deidre Caffrey, a journalist who now works for the former office of the mayor. Deidre soon learns (or believes she is learning) the identity of the murderer. But instead of saying, the police, it carries out its own investigation, using information discovered them in a series of newspaper articles. The novel is not ultimately a story of a serial killer, but a journalist, one of the most difficult issues to meet, must be: Where does journalistic privilege and moral responsibility begin? She has the right to retain certain information for yourself, even if it means that people could die? A novel well written, thoughtful, and troubling. David Pitt - This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
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