Product Details:
Publisher: Multnomah Pub (April 24, 2000)
ISBN-10: 1576737330
Product Dimensions:
6.4 x 4.3 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces
Editorial Reviews versed Biblical scholars might even at a loss when asked listed Jabez, a little-known man in 1 Chronicles, chapter 4 Yet his simple petition is the cornerstone for the prayer of Jabez and has become a call to live a "blessed life" for countless readers cisco unified computing system ucs data center a complete reference torrent download. The prayer is simple: "And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying:" Oh, bless me and enlarge my territory, that Your Hand be with me, and that you keep me from evil, that I do not cause pain cisco unified computing system ucs data center a complete reference torrent download. "So God granted his request." At a time when many Christians shy away from anything that looks like "is the name and claim," the author Bruce Wilkinson alleviates misgivings by the prayer into perspective. Wilkinson, president and founder of Walk Through the Bible Ministries and a popular speaker for Promise Keepers, writes in a convincing colloquial style to attract even the cynical reader. He used the Jabez prayer for more than 30 years, and testifies enthusiastically to the changes wrought in his life. Wilkinson challenges readers to recite the Jabez prayer every morning and track changes that may occur. Power, he points out, is not prayer itself, but "the power is in what you believe will happen, take as a result of prayer and action that you have." Wilkinson, a convincing argument -. Cindy Crosby - This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
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