Product Details:
Publisher: Simon & Schuster; First Edition edition (October 2, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0743202341
ASIN: B0001PG44U
Product Dimensions:
11.3 x 9 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds
Editorial Reviews About the editor flawless products developed and delicious, this sweet fable fantasy combines two themes, the search for a valuable object, and a duel between good and evil guitarist magazine june 2011 pdf. As a doll maker and unusual dolls by its past successes Froud (The Dark Crystal, The Empire Strikes Back, etc guitarist magazine june 2011 pdf.) with this gentle fable, with compassion and occasional sly humor through the World Fantasy Award written, five times winner Windling. Beautifully designed by the husband, Brian Froud and lovingly photographed by Jones, a haunting beautiful illustrations remind Faeryland which combines the reality is almost imperceptibly into the imaginary. At the lower end of Green Moss Glen, deep in the forests of ancient oaks, the humble little tree root faery Sneezle fur of his most beautiful red holiday for King Oberon and Queen Titania Midwinter eve of the festival, but the gold cut Oberon and amethyst disappears too hot on the Eve Midwinter. Search Cup flight of Oberon and his companions give Sneezle swamp thistle faery branch find a mysterious baby hatches from an egg of gold, and then escape from evil imps from the wizard-gone-bad Malagan sent, which prevents bad spell of winter lady in the land access. When dueling with Malagan Tamaryst good witch, and help all the branches Sneezle mythical cycle of seasons, a reconstruction of the graceful Windling familiar theme "the last shall be first." Meshing seamlessly with the text-sensitive photo-creations Froud provide a delightful visual tour in this country, the desire of the heart, 7-city author tour Children Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc. -.. This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
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